Legal reasons why people file for divorce

Image source: There is a multitude of reasons why couples get a divorce. However, some reasons are more valid according to the rule of law compared to other reasons. Why is this important? Divorce is a legal proceeding with the goal of separating married individuals in the fairest means possible. If the reason one chooses to divorce their spouse does not register as a legal ground for divorce, the result might not be favorable for them. Kersh Law Firm discusses some legal reasons for divorce. Keep in mind that these do not include other forms of criminal charges like physical abuse. Adultery : Cheating on a spouse is a very common reason for divorce. This occurs when a married man or a woman is tempted to seek an emotional or physical relationship with another person other than their spouse. Image source: Desertion : When a spouse decides to leave their significant other altogether and to discontinue supporting them, that becomes legal ground...